finepix in linux

finepix in linux
Originally uploaded by thadphole.
Whoa! 2.6.8.x kernel rocks! superb as i can now mount my digital camera and download my pics via usb. I can use Gimp for photo manipulation and gThumb as my viewer.
Not only my camera by my thumb drive too (thanks mench). The moment a USB thumb drive (including a digital camera) is plugged in, hotplug detects it, udev assigns it a device node, and with a message passed on via D-BUS to HAL, GNOME detects it and automatically mounts it as the user currently logged in. An icon for the drive is placed on the desktop (unless it is a digital camera, which is automatically mounted but behaves differently). A user can now access her files just by double-clicking on the icon placed on her desktop â?? when done simply closing the open window and ejecting the device is all that's required.
Such automated operation also extends to digital cameras, mine is E510 Finepix from Fujifilm (plug in your camera and if it detects new photos it offers to sync them), data and audio CDs, and portable MP3 devices like the popular iPod. The new File Alteration Monitor, gamin, provides notification to the GUI tools within the system about the file system when changes such as creation, modification, or removal occurs. Gamin prevents unnecessary â??lockingâ?? of devices, even after they're used â?? a common problem that plagued older releases of Fedora.